Chapter 8 Linear Regression and Curve Fitting
8.1 What is parameter estimation?
Chapters 1 - 7 introduced the idea of modeling with rates of change. There is much more to be stated regarding qualitative analyses of a differential equation (Chapters 5 and 6), which we will return to starting in Chapter 15. But for the moment, let’s pause and recognize that a key motivation for modeling with rates of change is to quantify observed phenomena.
Oftentimes, we wish to compare model outputs to measured data. While that may seem straightforward, sometimes models have parameters (such as \(k\) and \(\beta\) for Equation (6.1) in Chapter 6). Parameter estimation is the process of determining model parameters from data. Stated differently:
Parameter estimation is the process that determines the set of parameters \(\vec{\alpha}\) that minimize the difference between data \(\vec{y}\) and the output of the function \(f(\vec{x}, \vec{\alpha})\) and measured error \(\vec{\sigma}\).
Over the next several chapters we will examine aspects of parameter estimation. Sometimes parameter estimation is synonymous with “fitting a model to data” and can also be called data assimilation or model-data fusion. We can address the parameter estimation problem from several different mathematical areas: calculus (optimization), statistics (likelihood functions), and linear algebra (systems of linear equations). We will explore how we define “best” over several chapters, but let’s first explore techniques of how this is done in R
using simple linear regression.23 Let’s get started!
8.2 Parameter estimation for global temperature data
Let’s take a look at a specific example. Table 8.1 shows anomalies in average global temperature since 1880, relative to 1951-1980 global temperatures.24 This dataset can be found in the demodelr
package with the name global_temperature
. To name our variables let \(Y=\mbox{ Year since 1880 }\) and \(T= \mbox{ Temperature anomaly}\).
year_since_1880 | 0.00 | 1.00 | 2.00 | 3.00 | 4.00 | 5.00 | 6.00 |
temperature_anomaly | -0.17 | -0.08 | -0.11 | -0.18 | -0.29 | -0.33 | -0.31 |
We will be working with these data to fit a function \(f(Y,\vec{\alpha})=T\). In order to fit a function in R
we need three essential elements, distilled into a workflow of: Identify \(\rightarrow\) Construct \(\rightarrow\) Compute
- Identify data for the formula to estimate parameters. For this example we will use the tibble (or data frame)
. - Construct the regression formula we will use for the fit. We want to do a linear regression so that \(T = a+bY\). How we represent the regression formula in
is withtemperature_anomaly ~ 1 + year_since_1880
. Notice that this regression formula must include named columns from your data. Said differently, this regression formula “defines a linear regression where the factors are a constant term and one is proportional to the predictor variable.” It is helpful to assign this regression formula as a variable:regression_formula <- temperature_anomaly ~ 1 + year_since_1880
. In Chapter 8.3 we will discuss other types of regression formulas. - Compute the regression with the command
(which stands for linear model).
That’s it! So if we need to do a linear regression of global temperature against year since 1880, it can be done with the following code:
regression_formula <- temperature_anomaly ~ 1 + year_since_1880
linear_fit <- lm(regression_formula, data = global_temperature)
## Call:
## lm(formula = regression_formula, data = global_temperature)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -0.35606 -0.13185 -0.03044 0.12449 0.45518
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -0.4880971 0.0296270 -16.48 <2e-16 ***
## year_since_1880 0.0076685 0.0003633 21.11 <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.1775 on 140 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.7609, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7592
## F-statistic: 445.6 on 1 and 140 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
What is printed on the console (and shown above) is the summary of the fit results. This summary contains several interesting things that you would study in advanced courses in statistics, but here is what we will focus on:
- The estimated coefficients (starting with
above) of the linear regression. The columnEstimate
lists the constants in front of our regression formula \(y=a+bx\). What follows is the statistical error for that estimate. The other additional columns concern statistical tests that show significance of the estimated parameters. - One helpful thing to look at is the Residual standard error (starting with
Residual standard error
above), which represents the overall, total effect of the differences between the model predicted values of \(\vec{y}\) and the measured values of \(\vec{y}\). The goal of linear regression is to minimize this model-data difference.
The summary of the statistical fit is a verbose readout, which may prohibit quickly identifying the regression coefficients or plotting the fitted results. Thankfully the R
package called broom
can help us! The broom
package produces model output in what is called “tidy” data format. You can read more about broom
from its documentation.
Since we are only going to use one or two functions from this package, I am going to refer to the functions I need with the syntax PACKAGE_NAME::FUNCTION
First we will make a data frame with the predicted coefficients from our linear model, as shown with the following code that you can run on your own:
global_temperature_model <-
broom::augment(linear_fit, data = global_temperature)
Notice how the augment
command takes the results from linear_fit
with the data global_temperature
to produce model estimated results (under the variable named .fitted
.25 There is a lot to unpack with this new data frame, but the important ones are the columns year_since_1880
(the independent variable) and .fitted
, which represents the fitted coefficients.
Finally, Figure 8.1 compares the data to the fitted regression line (also known as the “best fit line”).
ggplot(data = global_temperature) +
geom_point(aes(x = year_since_1880, y = temperature_anomaly),
color = "red",
size = 2
) +
data = global_temperature_model,
aes(x = year_since_1880, y = .fitted)
) +
x = "Year Since 1880",
y = "Temperature anomaly"

FIGURE 8.1: Global temperature anomaly data along with the fitted linear regression line.
A word of caution: this example is one of an exploratory data analysis illustrating parameter estimation with R
. Global temperature is a measurement of many different types of complex phenomena integrated from the local, regional, continental, and global levels (and interacting in both directions). Global temperature anomalies cannot be distilled down to a simple linear relationship between time and temperature. What Figure 8.1 does suggest though is that over time the average global temperature has increased. I encourage you to study the pages at NOAA to learn more about the scientific consensus in modeling climate (and the associated complexities - it is a fascinating scientific problem that will need YOUR help to solve it!)
8.3 Moving beyond linear models for parameter estimation
We can also estimate parameters or fit additional polynomial models such as the equation
\(y = a + bx + cx^{2} + dx^{3} ...\) (here the estimated parameters \(a\), \(b\), \(c\), \(d\), …). There is a key distinction here: the regression formula is nonlinear in the predictor variable \(x\), but linear with respect to the parameters. Incorporating these regression formulas in R
modifies the structure of the regression formula. A few templates are show in Table 8.2:
Equation | Regression Formula |
\(y=a+bx\) | y ~ 1 + x |
\(y=a\) | y ~ 1 |
\(y=bx\) | y ~ -1+x |
\(y=a+bx+cx^{2}\) | y ~ 1 + x + I(x^2) |
\(y=a+bx+cx^{2}+dx^{3}\) | y~ 1 + x + I(x^2) + I(x^3) |
8.3.1 Can you linearize your model?
We can estimate parameters for nonlinear models in cases where the function can be transformed mathematically to a linear equation. Here is one example: while the equation \(y=ae^{bx}\) is nonlinear with respect to the parameters, it can be made linear by a logarithmic transformation of the data:\index{logarithmic transformation}
\[\begin{equation} \ln(y) = \ln(ae^{bx}) = \ln(a) + \ln (e^{bx}) = \ln(a) + bx \end{equation}\]
The advantage to this approach is that the growth rate parameter \(b\) is easily identifiable from the data, and the value of \(a\) is found by exponentiation of the fitted intercept value. The disadvantage is that you need to do a log transform of the \(y\) variable first before doing any fits.
Example 8.1 A common nonlinear equation in enzyme kinetics is the Michaelis-Menten law, which states that the rate of the uptake of a substrate \(V\) is given by the equation:
\[\begin{equation} V = \frac{V_{max} s}{s+K_{m}}, \end{equation}\]
where \(s\) is the amount of substrate, \(K_{m}\) is half-saturation constant, and \(V_{max}\) the maximum reaction rate. (Typically \(V\) is used to signify the “velocity” of the reaction.)
Consider you have the following data (from J. Keener and Sneyd (2009)):
s (mM) | 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.5 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 3.5 | 5.0 |
V (mM / s) | 0.04 | 0.08 | 0.17 | 0.24 | 0.32 | 0.39 | 0.42 |
Apply parameter estimation techniques to estimate \(K_{m}\) and \(V_{max}\) and plot the resulting fitting curve with the data.
Solution. The first thing that we will need to do is to define a data frame (tibble
) for these data:
enzyme_data <- tibble(
s = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.5, 5.0),
V = c(0.04, 0.08, 0.17, 0.24, 0.32, 0.39, 0.42)
Figure 8.2 shows a plot of \(s\) and \(V\):

FIGURE 8.2: Scatterplot of enzyme substrate data from Example 8.1.
Figure 8.2 definitely suggests a nonlinear relationship between \(s\) and \(V\). To dig a little deeper, try running the following code that plots the reciprocal of \(s\) and the reciprocal of \(V\) (do this on your own):
ggplot(data = enzyme_data) +
geom_point(aes(x = 1 / s, y = 1 / V),
color = "red",
size = 2
) +
x = "1/s (1/mM)",
y = "1/V (s / mM)"
Notice how easy it was to plot the reciprocals of \(s\) and \(V\) inside the ggplot
command. Here’s how to see this with the provided equation (and a little bit of algebra):
\[\begin{equation} V = \frac{V_{max} s}{s+K_{m}} \rightarrow \frac{1}{V} = \frac{s+K_{m}}{V_{max} s} = \frac{1}{V_{max}} + \frac{1}{s} \frac{K_{m}}{V_{max}} \end{equation}\]
In order to do a linear fit to the transformed data we will use the regression formulas defined above and the handy structure I(VARIABLE)
and plot the transformed data with the fitted equation (do this on your own as well):26
# Define the regression formula
enzyme_formula <- I(1 / V) ~ 1 + I(1 / s)
# Apply the linear fit
enzyme_fit <- lm(enzyme_formula,data = enzyme_data)
# Show best fit parameters
# Added fitted data to the model
enzyme_data_model <- broom::augment(enzyme_fit, data = enzyme_data)
# Compare fitted model to the data
ggplot(data = enzyme_data) +
geom_point(aes(x = 1 / s, y = 1 / V),
color = "red",
size = 2
) +
data = enzyme_data_model,
aes(x = 1 / s, y = .fitted)
) +
x = "1/s (1/mM)",
y = "1/V (s / mM)"
In Exercise ?? you will use the coefficients from your linear fit to determine \(V_{max}\) and \(K_{m}\). When plotting the fitted model values with the original data (Figure 8.3), we need to take the reciprocal of the column .fitted
when we apply augment
because the response variable in the linear model is \(1 / V\) (confusing, I know!). For convenience, the code that does the all the fitting is shown below:27
# Define the regression formula
enzyme_formula <- I(1 / V) ~ 1 + I(1 / s)
# Apply the linear fit
enzyme_fit <- lm(enzyme_formula,data = enzyme_data)
# Added fitted data to the model
enzyme_data_model <- broom::augment(enzyme_fit, data = enzyme_data)
ggplot(data = enzyme_data) +
geom_point(aes(x = s, y = V),
color = "red",
size = 2
) +
data = enzyme_data_model,
aes(x = s, y = 1 / .fitted)
) +
x = "s (mM)",
y = "V (mM / s)"

FIGURE 8.3: Scatterplot of enzyme substrate data from Example 8.1 along with the fitted curve.
8.4 Parameter estimation with nonlinear models
In many cases you will not be able to write your model in a linear form by applying functional transformations. Here’s the good news: you can still do a non-linear curve fit using the function nls
, which is similar to the command lm
with some additional information. Let’s return to an example from Chapter 2 where we examined the weight of a dog named Wilson (Figure 2.2). One model for the dog’s weight \(W\) from the days since birth \(D\) is a saturating exponential equation (Equation (8.1)):
\[\begin{equation} W =f(D,a,b,c)= a - be^{-ct}, \tag{8.1} \end{equation}\]
where we have the parameters \(a\), \(b\), and \(c\). We can apply the command nls
(nonlinear least squares) to estimate these parameters. Because nls
is an iterative numerical method it needs a starting value for these parameters (here we set \(a = 75\), \(b=30\), and \(c=0.01\)). Determining a starting point can be tricky - it does take some trial and error.
# Define the regression formula
wilson_formula <- weight ~ a - b * exp(-c * days)
# Apply the nonlinear fit
nonlinear_fit <- nls(formula = wilson_formula,
data = wilson,
start = list(a = 75, b = 30, c = 0.01)
# Summarize the fit parameters
## Formula: weight ~ a - b * exp(-c * days)
## Parameters:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## a 7.523e+01 1.573e+00 47.84 < 2e-16 ***
## b 9.077e+01 3.400e+00 26.70 1.07e-14 ***
## c 6.031e-03 4.324e-04 13.95 2.26e-10 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 2.961 on 16 degrees of freedom
## Number of iterations to convergence: 11
## Achieved convergence tolerance: 6.889e-06
Similar as before, we can augment
the data to display the fitted curve.
However once you have your fitted model, you can still plot the fitted values with the coefficients (try this out on your own).
# Augment the model
wilson_model <- broom::augment(nonlinear_fit, data = wilson)
# Plot the data with the model
ggplot(data = wilson) +
geom_point(aes(x = days, y = weight),
color = "red",
size = 2
) +
data = wilson_model,
aes(x = days, y = .fitted)
) +
x = "Days since birth",
y = "Weight (pounds)"
8.5 Towards model-data fusion
The R
language (and associated packages) has many excellent tools for parameter estimation and comparing fitted models to data. These tools are handy for first steps in parameter estimation.
More broadly the technique of estimating models from data can also be called data assimilation or model-data fusion. Whatever terminology you happen to use, you are combining the best of both worlds: combining observed measurements with what you expect should happen, given the understanding of the system at hand.
We are going to dig into data assimilation even more - and one key tool is understanding likelihood functions, which we will study in the next chapter.
8.6 Exercises
Exercise 8.1 Determine if the following equations are linear with respect to the parameters. Assume that \(y\) is the response variable and \(x\) the predictor variable.
- \(y=a + bx+cx^{2}+dx^{3}\)
- \(y=a \sin (x) + b \cos (x)\)
- \(y = a \sin(bx) + c \cos(dx)\)
- \(y = a + bx + a\cdot b x^{2}\)
- \(y = a e^{-x} + b e^{x}\)
- \(y = a e^{-bx} + c e^{-dx}\)
Exercise 8.2 Each of the following equations can be written as linear with respect to the parameters, through applying some elementary transformations to the data. Write each equation as a linear function with respect to the parameters. Assume that \(y\) is the response variable and \(x\) the predictor variable.
- \(y=ae^{-bx}\)
- \(y=(a+bx)^{2}\)
- \(\displaystyle y = \frac{1}{a+bx}\)
- \(y = c x^{n}\)
Exercise 8.3 Use the dataset global_temperature
and the function lm
to answer the following questions:
- Complete the following table, which represents various regression fits to global temperature anomaly \(T\) (in degrees Celsius) and years since 1880 (denoted by \(Y\)). In the table Coefficients represent the values of the parameters \(a\), \(b\), \(c\), etc. from your fitted equation; P = number of parameters; RSE = Residual standard error.
Equation | Coefficients | P | RSE |
\(T=a+bY\) | |||
\(T=a+bY+cY^{2}\) | |||
\(T=a+bY+cY^{2}+dY^{3}\) | |||
\(T=a+bY+cY^{2}+dY^{3}+eY^{4}\) | |||
\(T=a+bY+cY^{2}+dY^{3}+eY^{4}+fY^{5}\) | |||
\(T=a+bY+cY^{2}+dY^{3}+eY^{4}+fY^{5}+gY^{6}\) |
- After making this table, choose the polynomial of the function that you believe fits the data best. Provide reasoning and explanation why you chose the polynomial that you did.
- Finally show the plot of your selected polynomial with the data.
Exercise 8.4 An equation that relates a consumer’s nutrient content (denoted as \(y\)) to the nutrient content of food (denoted as \(x\)) is given by: \(\displaystyle y = c x^{1/\theta},\) where \(\theta \geq 1\) and \(c>0\) are both constants.
- Use the dataset
to make a scatterplot withalgae
as the predictor (independent) variable anddaphnia
the response (dependent) variable. - Show that you can linearize the equation \(\displaystyle y = c x^{1/\theta}\) with logarithms.
- Determine a linear regression fit for your new linear equation.
- Determine the value of \(c\) and \(\theta\) in the original equation with the parameters from the linear fit.
Exercise 8.5 Similar to Exercise 8.4, do a non-linear least squares fit for the dataset phosphorous
to the equation \(\displaystyle y = c x^{1/\theta}\). For a starting point, you may use the values of \(c\) and \(\theta\) from Exercise 8.4. Then make a plot of the original phosphorous
data with the fitted model results.
::: {.exercise #enzyme-fit-08} Example 8.1 guided you through the process to linearize the following equation:
\[\begin{equation} V = \frac{V_{max} s}{s+K_{m}}, \end{equation}\]
where \(s\) is the amount of substrate, \(K_{m}\) is half-saturation constant, and \(V_{max}\) the maximum reaction rate. (Typically \(V\) is used to signify the “velocity” of the reaction.) When doing a fit of the reciprocal of \(s\) with the reciprocal of \(V\), what are the resulting values of \(V_{max}\) and \(K_{m}\)?
Exercise 8.6 Following from Example 8.1 and Exercise ??, apply the command nls
to conduct a nonlinear least squares fit of the enzyme data to the equation:
\[\begin{equation} V = \frac{V_{max} s}{s+K_{m}}, \end{equation}\]
where \(s\) is the amount of substrate, \(K_{m}\) is the half-saturation constant, and \(V_{max}\) the maximum reaction rate. As starting points for the nonlinear least squares fit, you may use the values of \(K_{m}\) and \(V_{max}\) that were determined from Example 8.1. Then make a plot of the actual data with the fitted model curve.
::: {.exercise #temperature-08}
Consider the following data which represent the temperature over the course of a day:
Hour | Temperature |
0 | 54 |
1 | 53 |
2 | 55 |
3 | 54 |
4 | 58 |
5 | 58 |
6 | 61 |
7 | 63 |
8 | 67 |
9 | 66 |
10 | 67 |
11 | 69 |
12 | 68 |
13 | 68 |
14 | 66 |
15 | 67 |
16 | 63 |
17 | 60 |
18 | 59 |
19 | 57 |
20 | 56 |
21 | 53 |
22 | 52 |
23 | 54 |
24 | 53 |
- Make a scatterplot of these data, with the variable on the horizontal axis.
- A function that describes these data is \(\displaystyle T = A + B \sin \left( \frac{\pi}{12} \cdot H \right) + C \cos \left( \frac{\pi}{12} \cdot H \right)\), where \(H\) is the hour and \(T\) is the temperature. Explain why this equation is linear for the parameters \(A\), \(B\), and \(C\).
- Define a
that includes the variables \(T\), \(\displaystyle \sin \left( \frac{\pi}{12} \cdot H \right)\), \(\displaystyle \cos \left( \frac{\pi}{12} \cdot H \right)\). - Do a linear fit on your new data frame to report the values of \(A\), \(B\), and \(C\).
- Define a new
that has a sequence in \(H\) starting at 0 from 24 with at least 100 data points, and a value of \(T\) (T_fitted
) using your coefficients of \(A\), \(B\), and \(C\). - Add your fitted curve to the scatterplot. How do your fitted values compare to the data?
Exercise 8.7 Use the data from Exercise ?? to conduct a nonlinear fit (use the function nls
) to the equation \(\displaystyle T = A + B \sin \left( \frac{\pi}{12} \cdot H \right) + C \cos \left( \frac{\pi}{12} \cdot H \right)\). Good starting points are \(A=50\), \(B=1\), and \(C=-10\).
We will use
a lot in this chapter to make plots - so please visit Chapter 2 if you need some reminders on plotting in R.↩︎Data provided by NOAA:↩︎
I like appending
to the original name of the data frame to signify we are working with modeled components.↩︎The process outlined here forms a Lineweaver-Burk plot.↩︎
You may notice that in Figure 8.3 the fitted curve seems to look like a piecewise linear function. This is mainly due to the distribution of data - if you have several gaps between measurements, the fitted curve looks smoother.↩︎