Chapter 25 Simulating Stochastic Differential Equations
In this chapter we will begin to combine our knowledge of random walks to numerically simulate stochastic differential equations, or SDEs for short. Here is the good news: our previous work comes into focus. This chapter returns to a specific model you are familiar with (the logistic differential equation) and examines it stochastically. Hopefully this specific example will allow you to see how the methods developed here work in other contexts. Let’s get started!
25.1 The stochastic logistic model
Equation (25.1) begins with the logistic differential equation, but written a little differently by multiplying the differential \(dt\) to the right hand side:
\[\begin{equation} dx = rx \left(1 - \frac{x}{K} \right) \; dt \tag{25.1} \end{equation}\]
One way to interpret Equation (25.1) is that a small change is the variable \(x\) (denoted is \(dx\)), which is equal to the rate \(\displaystyle rx \left(1 - \frac{x}{K} \right)\) multiplied by \(dt\).
A direct way to incorporate stochastics is to modify Equation (25.1) by incorporating aspects of Brownian motion, as shown with Equation (25.2):
\[\begin{equation} dx = \underbrace{rx \left(1 - \frac{x}{K} \right) \; dt}_{\text{Deterministic part}} + \underbrace{\sqrt{2D \, dt} \, \mathcal{N}(0,1)}_{\text{Stochastic part}} \tag{25.2} \end{equation}\]
In Equation (25.2), \(D\) represents the diffusion coefficient and \(\mathcal{N}(0,1)\) signifies the normal distribution with mean zero and variance one.50
It may seem odd to express Equation (25.2) in this form (i.e. \(dx = ...\) versus \(\displaystyle \frac{dx}{dt} = ...\)). However a good way to think of this stochastic differential equation is that a small change in the variable \(x\) (represented by the term \(dx\)) is computed in two ways:
\[\begin{equation} \begin{split} \mbox{Deterministic part: } & rx \left(1 - \frac{x}{K} \right) \; dt \\ \mbox{Stochastic part: } & \sqrt{2D \, dt} \, \mathcal{N}(0,1) \end{split} \tag{25.3} \end{equation}\]
To simplify things somewhat we will represent \(\sqrt{2D \, dt} \, \mathcal{N}(0,1)\) in Equation (25.2) with \(dW(t)\), so that \(dW(t)=\sqrt{2D \, dt} \, \mathcal{N}(0,1)\). The term \(dW(t)\) can be thought of as similar to a stochastic differential equation \(\displaystyle \frac{dW}{dt} = \sqrt{2D \, dt}\), with \(W(0)=0\). The solution \(W(t)\) is also representative of a Weiner process. See Logan and Wolesensky (2009) For more information. In most cases a Weiner process does not include the term \(\sqrt{2D}\) (effectively \(D=\frac{1}{2}\)). It is helpful to keep the term \(D\) as a control parameter for simulating the SDE (see Exercises 25.1 - 25.3).
How does the stochastic part of this differential equation change the solution trajectory? It turns out that the “exact” solutions to problems like these are difficult (we will study a sample of exact solutions to SDEs in Chapter 27). Rather than focus on exact solution techniques we will apply the workflow developed in Chapter 22 (Do once \(\rightarrow\) Do several times \(\rightarrow\) Summarize \(\rightarrow\) Visualize) by simulating several solution trajectories and then taking the ensemble average at each of the time points.
25.2 The Euler-Maruyama method
One way to numerically solve a stochastic differential equation begins with a variation of Euler’s method. The Euler-Maruyama method accounts for stochasticity and implements the random walk (Brownian motion). We will build this method up step by step.
Like Euler’s method, the Euler-Maruyama method begins by writing the differential \(dx\) as a difference: \(dx = x_{n+1}-x_{n}\), where \(n\) is the current step of the method. Likewise \(dW(t) = W_{n+1} - W_{n}\), which represents one step of the random walk, but we approximate this difference by \(\sqrt{2D \Delta t} \mathcal{N}(0,1)\), where \(\Delta t\) is the timestep length. Given \(\Delta t\), diffusion coefficient \(D\), and starting value \(x_{0}\), we can define the following method.
- From the initial condition \(x_{0}\), compute the value at the next time step (\(x_{0}\)), which for Equation (25.2) is:
\[\begin{equation*} x_{1} = x_{0} + rx_{0} \left(1 - \frac{x_{0}}{K} \right) \; \Delta t + \sqrt{2D \, \Delta t} \, \mathcal{N}(0,1) \end{equation*}\]
- Repeat this iteration to step \(n\), where \(\mathcal{N}(0,1)\) is re-computed at each timestep:
\[\begin{equation*} x_{n} = x_{n-1} + rx_{n-1} \left(1 - \frac{x_{n-1}}{K} \right) \; \Delta t + \sqrt{2D \Delta t} \, \mathcal{N}(0,1) \end{equation*}\]
That is it! We can apply this numerical method for as many steps as we want. In the demodelr
package the function euler_stochastic
will apply the Euler-Maruyama method to a stochastic differential equation. Just like the functions euler
or rk4
there are some things that need to be set first:
- The size (\(\Delta t\)) of your timestep.
- The value of the diffusion coefficient \(D\) (we will discuss this later).
- The number of timesteps you wish to run the method. More timesteps means more computational time. If \(N\) is the number of timesteps, \(\Delta t \cdot N\) is the total time.
- A function for our deterministic dynamics. For Equation (25.1) this equals \(\displaystyle rx \left(1 - \frac{x}{K} \right)\).
- A function for our stochastic dynamics. For Equation (25.1) this equals 1.
- The values of the vector of parameters \(\vec{\alpha}\). For the logistic differential equation we will take \(r=0.8\) and \(K=100\).
Sample code for this stochastic differential equation is shown below, with the resulting trajectory of the solution in Figure 25.1.
# Identify the deterministic and stochastic parts of the DE:
deterministic_logistic <- c(dx ~ r*x*(1-x/K))
stochastic_logistic <- c(dx ~ 1)
# Identify the initial condition and any parameters
init_logistic <- c(x=3)
logistic_parameters <- c(r=0.8, K=100) # parameters: a named vector
# Identify how long we run the simulation
deltaT_logistic <- .05 # timestep length
timesteps_logistic <- 200 # must be a number greater than 1
# Identify the standard deviation of the stochastic noise
D_logistic <- 1
# Do one simulation of this differential equation
logistic_out <- euler_stochastic(
deterministic_rate = deterministic_logistic,
stochastic_rate = stochastic_logistic,
initial_condition = init_logistic,
parameters = logistic_parameters,
deltaT = deltaT_logistic,
n_steps = timesteps_logistic,
D = D_logistic
# Plot out the solution
ggplot(data = logistic_out) +

FIGURE 25.1: One realization of Equation (25.2).
Let’s break the code down to generate Figure 25.1 step by step:
- We identify the deterministic and stochastic parts to our differential equation with the variables
. The same structure is used for Euler’s method from Chapter 4. - Similar to Euler’s method we need to identify the initial conditions (
), parameters (logistic_parameters
), \(\Delta t\) (deltaT_logistic
), and number of timesteps (timesteps_logistic
). - The diffusion coefficient for the stochastic process (\(D\)) is represented with
. - The command
does one realization of the Euler-Maruyama method.
25.2.1 Do several times
Figure 25.1 shows one sample trajectory of our solution, but there is benefit to running several simulations and then plotting out all the solution trajectories together. The code presented below accomplishes that task and makes a plot of all the solution trajectories (Figure 25.2). This code is similar to code presented in Chapter 22. As you may recall, the main engine of the code is contained in the map( ~ euler_stochastic ... )
which re-runs the codes for the number of times specified in n_sims
# Many solutions
n_sims <- 100 # The number of simulations
# Compute solutions
logistic_run <- rerun(n_sims) %>%
set_names(paste0("sim", 1:n_sims)) %>%
map(~ euler_stochastic(deterministic_rate = deterministic_logistic,
stochastic_rate = stochastic_logistic,
initial_condition = init_logistic,
parameters = logistic_parameters,
deltaT = deltaT_logistic,
n_steps = timesteps_logistic,
D = D_log)) %>%
map_dfr(~ .x, .id = "simulation")
# Plot these all together
ggplot(data = logistic_run) +
geom_line(aes(x=t, y=x, color = simulation)) +
ggtitle("Spaghetti plot for the logistic SDE") +
## Warning: `rerun()` was deprecated in purrr 1.0.0.
## ℹ Please use `map()` instead.
## # Previously
## rerun(100)
## # Now
## map(1:100, ~ list())
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where
## this warning was generated.

FIGURE 25.2: Several different realizations of Equation (25.2).
25.2.2 Summarize and Visualize
The code used to generate the ensemble average for the different simulations is shown below (try running this out on your own). This code is similar to ones presented in Chapter 22. The variable summarized_logistic
first groups the simulations by the variable t
in order to compute the quantiles across each of the simulations.
# Compute Quantiles and summarize
quantile_vals <- c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)
### Summarize the variables
summarized_logistic <- logistic_run %>%
group_by(t) %>%
q_val = quantile(x, # x is the column to compute the quantiles
probs = quantile_vals
q_name = quantile_vals
) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = "q_name", values_from = "q_val",
names_glue = "q{q_name}")
### Make the plot
ggplot(data = summarized_logistic) +
geom_line(aes(x = t, y = q0.5)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(x=t,ymin=q0.025,ymax=q0.975),alpha=0.2) +
ggtitle("Ensemble average plot for the logistic SDE")
25.3 Adding stochasticity to parameters
A second approach for modeling SDEs is to assume that the parameters are stochastic. For example, let’s say that the growth rate \(r\) in the logistic differential equation is subject to stochastic effects. How we would implement this is by replacing \(r\) with \(r + \mbox{ Noise }\):
\[\begin{equation} dx = (r + \mbox{ Noise} ) \; x \left(1 - \frac{x}{K} \right) \; dt \end{equation}\]
Now what we do is separate out the terms that are multiplied by “Noise” - they will form the stochastic part of the differential equation. The terms that aren’t multipled by “Noise” form the deterministic part of the differential equation:
\[\begin{equation} dx = r x \left(1 - \frac{x}{K} \right) \; dt + x \left(1 - \frac{x}{K} \right) \mbox{ Noise } \; dt \tag{25.4} \end{equation}\]
When we write \(\mbox{ Noise } \; dt = dW(t)\), then the deterministic and stochastic parts to Equation (25.4) are easily identified:
\[\begin{equation} \begin{split} \mbox{Deterministic part: } & rx \left(1 - \frac{x}{K} \right) \; dt \\ \mbox{Stochastic part: } & x \left(1 - \frac{x}{K} \right) dW(t) \end{split} \tag{25.5} \end{equation}\]
There are a few things to notice with Equation (25.5). First, the deterministic part of the differential equation is what we would expect without incorporating the “Noise” term. Second, notice how the stochastic part of Equation (25.5) changed compared to Equation (25.3). Given these differences, let’s see what happens when we simulate this SDE!
25.3.1 Do once
The following code will produce one realization of Equation (25.4), denoting the deterministic and stochastic parts as deterministic_logistic_r
and stochastic_logistic_r
respectively. We will also change the value of the diffusion coefficient \(D\) to equal 0.1. I encourage you to try this code on your own.
# Identify the deterministic and stochastic parts of the DE:
deterministic_logistic_r <- c(dx ~ r*x*(1-x/K))
stochastic_logistic_r <- c(dx ~ x*(1-x/K))
# Identify the initial condition and any parameters
init_logistic <- c(x=3)
logistic_parameters <- c(K=100,r=0.8) # parameters: a named vector
# Identify how long we run the simulation
deltaT_logistic <- .05 # timestep length
timesteps_logistic <- 200 # must be a number greater than 1
# Identify the standard deviation of the stochastic noise
D_logistic <- .1
# Do one simulation of this differential equation
logistic_out_r <- euler_stochastic(
deterministic_rate = deterministic_logistic_r,
stochastic_rate = stochastic_logistic_r,
initial_condition = init_logistic,
parameters = logistic_parameters,
deltaT = deltaT_logistic,
n_steps = timesteps_logistic,
D = D_logistic
# Plot out the solution
ggplot(data = logistic_out_r) +
25.3.2 Do several times
As we did before, we can run multiple iterations of Equation (25.4), which you can also try on your own. When you do this, does the resulting spaghetti plot look the same as or different from Figure 25.2? What could be some possible reasons for any differences?
# Many solutions
n_sims <- 100 # The number of simulations
# Identify the standard deviation of the stochastic noise
D_logistic <- 1
# Compute solutions
logistic_run_r <- rerun(n_sims) %>%
set_names(paste0("sim", 1:n_sims)) %>%
map(~ euler_stochastic(deterministic_rate = deterministic_logistic_r,
stochastic_rate = stochastic_logistic_r,
initial_condition = init_logistic,
parameters = logistic_parameters,
deltaT = deltaT_logistic,
n_steps = timesteps_logistic,
D = D_logistic)
) %>%
map_dfr(~ .x, .id = "simulation")
# Plot these all together
ggplot(data = logistic_run_r) +
geom_line(aes(x=t, y=x, color = simulation)) +
ggtitle("Spaghetti plot for the logistic SDE") +
25.3.3 Summarize and Visualize
Now after running several different simulations we can plot the ensemble average, shown in Figure 25.3:
# Compute Quantiles and summarize
quantile_vals <- c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)
# Summarize the variables
summarized_logistic <- logistic_run %>%
group_by(t) %>%
q_val = quantile(x, # x is the column to compute the quantiles
probs = quantile_vals
q_name = quantile_vals
) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = "q_name", values_from = "q_val",
names_glue = "q{q_name}")
# Make the plot
ggplot(data = summarized_logistic) +
geom_line(aes(x = t, y = q0.5)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(x=t,ymin=q0.025,ymax=q0.975),alpha=0.2) +
ggtitle("Ensemble average plot for the logistic SDE")

FIGURE 25.3: Ensemble average plot for Equation (25.4).
The results you obtain in Figure 25.3 might look similar to the ensemble average from simulations of Equation (25.2), but perhaps with more variability (represented in the shading for the 95% confidence interval). Letting \(r\) be a stochastic parameter affects how quickly the solution \(x\) increases to the carrying capacity at \(x=100\).
25.3.4 When you may have odd results
Let’s discuss failure and other oddities when simulating SDEs. Figure 25.4 shows one odd realization of Equation (25.4):

FIGURE 25.4: One odd realization of Equation \(\ref{eq:logistic-de-25-r}\).
Notice in Figure 25.4 how the variable \(x\) has values that are negative. Is this a problem? … Maybe. As with analyzing (non-stochastic) differential equations, unanticipated results may be a signal of the following:
- You may have an error in the coding of the SDE (always double-check your work!)
- You chose too large of a timestep \(\Delta t\). For Brownian motion, the variance grows proportional to \(\Delta t\), so larger timesteps mean more variability when you simulate a random variable, which leads to larger stochastic jumps. (To be fair, large values of \(\Delta t\) are also a shortcoming of Euler’s method.)
- Similar to the last point, the value of \(D\) may be too large. Recall that \(D\) is the diffusion coefficient and affects the rate of spread. Try setting \(D=0\) and seeing if that produces a result in line with your expectation from the (non-stochastic) differential equation.
- The Euler-Maruyama may cause the variable to move across an equilibrium solution, thereby undergoing a change in the long-term behavior.51 For the logistic equation, we know that \(x=0\) is a unstable equilibrium solution. If for this instance \(x\) becomes negative in Figure 25.4, it will move (quickly) away from \(x=0\) in the negative direction.
- Sometimes you may get NaN values in your simulations. You may still be able to compute the ensemble average, but you will need add to the following
na.rm = TRUE
in yourquantile
command (using the variablelogistic_run
as an example):
# Summarize the variables
summarized_logistic <- logistic_run %>%
group_by(t) %>%
q_val = quantile(x, # x is the column to compute the quantiles
probs = quantile_vals
na.rm = TRUE), # Note the include of na.rm = TRUE
q_name = quantile_vals
) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = "q_name", values_from = "q_val",
names_glue = "q{q_name}")
The last point is not a fault of the numerical method, but rather a feature of the differential equation. It is always helpful to understand your underlying dynamics before you start to implement a stochastic process!
25.4 Systems of stochastic differential equations
To incorporate stochastic effects with a system of differential equations the process is similar to above, with a few changes. First, we need to keep track of the deterministic and stochastic parts for each variable. Second, when we summarize our results in computing the ensemble averages we also need to group by each of the variables. Let’s take a look at an example.
Let’s revisit the tourism model from Chapter 13 (Sinay and Sinay 2006). This model described in Equation (25.6) relies on two non-dimensonal scaled variables: \(R\), which is the amount of the resource (as a percentage), and \(V\), the percentage of visitors that could visit (also as a percentage).
\[\begin{equation} \begin{split} \frac{dR}{dt}&=R\cdot (1-R)-aV \\ \frac{dV}{dt}&=b\cdot V \cdot (R-V) \end{split} \tag{25.6} \end{equation}\]
Equation (25.6) has two parameters \(a\) and \(b\), which relate to how the resource is used up as visitors come (\(a\)) and how as the visitors increase, word of mouth leads to a negative effect of it being too crowded (\(b\)). Sinay and Sinay (2006) reported \(a=0.15\) and \(b=0.3316\). Let’s assume that \(b\) is stochastic, leading to the following deterministic and stochastic parts to Equation (25.6):
- Deterministic part for \(\displaystyle \frac{dR}{dt}\): \(R\cdot (1-R)-aV\)
- Stochastic part for \(\displaystyle \frac{dR}{dt}\): 0
- Deterministic part for \(\displaystyle \frac{dV}{dt}\): \(b\cdot V \cdot (R-V)\)
- Stochastic part for \(\displaystyle \frac{dV}{dt}\): \(V \cdot (R-V)\)
Now we will apply the established workflow. The code to generate one realization of this stochastic process (the “Do once” step) is shown below (try this out on your own):
# Identify the deterministic and stochastic parts of the DE:
deterministic_tourism<- c(dr ~ R*(1-R)-a*V, dv ~ b*V*(R-V))
stochastic_tourism <- c(dr ~ 0, dv ~ V*(R-V))
# Identify the initial condition and any parameters
init_tourism <- c(R = 0.995, V = 0.00167)
tourism_parameters <- c(a = 0.15, b = 0.3316) #
deltaT_tourism <- .5 # timestep length
timeSteps_tourism <- 200 # must be a number greater than 1
# Identify the diffusion coefficient
D_tourism <- .05
# Do one simulation of this differential equation
tourism_out <- euler_stochastic(
deterministic_rate = deterministic_tourism,
stochastic_rate = stochastic_tourism,
initial_condition = init_tourism,
parameters = tourism_parameters,
deltaT = deltaT_tourism,
n_steps = timeSteps_tourism,
D = D_tourism
# We will pivot the data to ease in plotting:
tourism_revised <- tourism_out %>%
# Plot out the solution
ggplot(data = tourism_revised) +
geom_line(aes(x=t,y=value)) +
Note the additional creation of the variable tourism_revised
and the command facet_grid
in the plotting. Let’s break this down:
- The data frame
has three variables: \(t\), \(R\), and \(V\). Because we have more than one variable, we need to do an additional step in pivoting longer. (pivot_longer(cols=c("r","v"))
) The data frametourism_revised
has more rows, but the second column (calledname
) contains the name of each variable), and the third column (value
) has the associated value of each variable at a given point in time. - In order to plot these variables in a multipanel plot we use
. Think offacet_grid(.~name)
as a row by column display. We want the columns to be the instances of the variablename
, with one row (.
The “Do several times” step follows a similar process as previous examples. The code to generate and plot multiple realizations of this stochastic process is below and also displayed with Figure 25.5.
# Many solutions
n_sims <- 100 # The number of simulations
# Compute solutions
tourism_run <- rerun(n_sims) %>%
set_names(paste0("sim", 1:n_sims)) %>%
map(~ euler_stochastic(
deterministic_rate = deterministic_tourism,
stochastic_rate = stochastic_tourism,
initial_condition = init_tourism,
parameters = tourism_parameters,
deltaT = deltaT_tourism,
n_steps = timeSteps_tourism,
D = D_tourism)
) %>%
map_dfr(~ .x, .id = "simulation")
# We will pivot the data to ease in plotting and computing:
tourism_run_revised <- tourism_run %>%
# Plot these all together
ggplot(data = tourism_run_revised) +
geom_line(aes(x=t, y=value, color = simulation)) +
facet_grid(.~name) +

FIGURE 25.5: Spaghetti plot for many realizations of Equation (25.6).
Notice how the different realizations in Figure 25.5 show eventually the variables \(R\) and \(V\) approaching a steady-state value, but when \(b\) is stochastic it affects how quickly the steady state is approached. The variability in \(R\) and \(V\) (especially during the intervals \(0 \leq t \leq 50\)) may be important for how quickly this resource gets utilized.
The final steps (Summarize and Visualize) can be down together and as you may have suspected, have a similar process to the previous examples. However when computing the ensemble average plot, there are three changes because we pivoted our results in the variable tourism_run_revised
- When we group by our variables to compute the ensemble average we use
so that we organize by each timet
and the variables in our system (gathered in the column calledname
). - When computing the ensemble average, we will need to specify that we are computing the quantile of the variable
in our pivoted data frame (tourism_run_revised
). - Finally, as in Figure 25.5, we need to apply the
The code to generate this ensemble average plot is shown below. Try this code out on your own to generate an ensemble average plot.
# Compute Quantiles and summarize
quantile_vals <- c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)
# Summarize the variables
summarized_tourism <- tourism_run_revised %>%
group_by(t,name) %>% # We also include grouping by each variable.
q_val = quantile(value, # the column to compute quantiles
probs = quantile_vals,
na.rm = TRUE # Remove NA vlaues
q_name = quantile_vals
) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = "q_name", values_from = "q_val",
names_glue = "q{q_name}")
# Make the plot
ggplot(data = summarized_tourism) +
geom_line(aes(x = t, y = q0.5)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(x = t, ymin = q0.025, ymax = q0.975),alpha = 0.2) +
facet_grid(.~name) +
ggtitle("Ensemble average plot")
25.5 Concluding thoughts
Whew. This chapter provided some concrete examples to model and visualize results for stochastic differential equations. To summarize, when you begin with a given differential equation and
if you want to add stochastic effects to a variable, include a term \(\sqrt{2D \, \Delta t} \, \mathcal{N}(0,1)\) in the differential equation to model Brownian motion.
if want to add stochastic effects to a parameter, here are the following steps:
- Replace instances of the parameter with a “parameter + Noise” term (i.e \(a \rightarrow a + \mbox{ Noise }\)).
- Collect terms that are multiplied by Noise - they will form the stochastic part of the differential equation.
- The deterministic part of the differential equation should be your original (deterministic) differential equation.
The most general form of the stochastic differential equation is: \(\displaystyle d\vec{y} = f(\vec{y},\vec{\alpha},t) \; dt + g(\vec{y},\vec{\alpha},t) \; dW(t)\), where \(\vec{y}\) is the vector of variables, \(\vec{\alpha}\) is your vector of parameters, and \(dW(t)\) is the stochastic noise from the random walk.
The workflow (Do once \(\rightarrow\) Do several times \(\rightarrow\) Summarize \(\rightarrow\) Visualize) should provide structure to break down the different parts of simulation of SDEs. The general framework presented here allows you to computationally explore several different types of SDEs. If you are interested in further study of SDEs, see Gardiner (2004), J. P. Keener (2021), or Logan and Wolesensky (2009) to learn more. In the next two chapters we will investigate additional properties of SDEs. Onward!
25.6 Exercises
Exercise 25.1 Consider the logistic differential equation (Equation (25.1)). In this chapter we set \(D = 0.1\). Re-run the code to generate one simulation with \(D = 0.01, \; 2, \; 10\). In each case, how does changing \(D\) affect the resulting solution trajectories?
Exercise 25.2 Consider the logistic differential equation (Equation (25.1)). For this example we set \(D = 1\). Re-run the code to generate 100 simulations with \(D = 0.01, \; 2, \; 10\), and then compute the ensemble average. In each case, how does changing \(D\) affect the ensemble average?
Exercise 25.3 Return to Equation (25.4). Use the code provided in this chapter to generate a spaghetti and ensemble average plot where \(D = 0.1\). What happens to the resulting spaghetti and ensemble plots when \(D = 0.01, \; 1, \; 10\)?
Exercise 25.4 When \(a=0.15\) and \(b=0.3316\), determine the equilibrium solutions for Equation (25.6) and using the Jacobian, evaluate the stability of the equilibrium solutions.
Exercise 25.5 Consider Equation (25.6) to answer the following questions:
- Determine the equilibrium solutions and the Jacobian matrix for general \(a\) and \(b\).
- Set \(a=0.15\) but let \(b\) be a free parameter (\(b>0\)). Evaluate the stability of the equilibrium solutions as a function of \(b\).
Exercise 25.6 (Inspired by Logan and Wolesensky (2009)) Consider the logistic differential equation: \(\displaystyle \frac{dx}{dt} = r x \left( 1-\frac{x}{K} \right)\). Assume there is stochasticity in the inverse carrying capacity \(1/K\) (so this means you will consider \(1/K + \mbox{ Noise }\)).
- Identify the deterministic and stochastic parts of each of the differential equation.
- Assume that \(x(0)=3\), \(r=0.8\), \(K=100\), \(\Delta t = 0.05\), and the number of timesteps is 200. Set \(D=0\). Do you get a value consistent with the deterministic solution to the logistic differential equation?
- Run several simulations where you slowly increase the value of \(D\). At what point does \(D\) get too large to produce meaningful results?
- With your chosen value of \(D\), do 500 simulations of this stochastic process and compute the ensemble average.
- Contrast your results to when we added stochasticity to the parameter \(r\) in the logistic model.

FIGURE 25.6: The \(SIS\) model.
Exercise 25.7 (Inspired by Logan and Wolesensky (2009)) An \(SIS\) model is one where susceptibles \(S\) become infected \(I\), and then after recovering from an illness, become susceptible again. The schematic representing this is shown in Figure 25.6. While you can write this as a system of differential equations, assuming the population size is constant \(N\), this simplifies to the following differential equation:
\[\begin{equation} \frac{dI}{dt} = b(N-I) I - r I \end{equation}\]
- Determine the equilibrium solutions for this model. As a bonus, analyze the stability of the equilibrium solutions. You will need to assume that all parameters are positive and \(bN-r > 0\).
- Assuming \(N=1000\), \(r=0.01\), and \(b=0.005\), \(I(0)=1\), apply Euler’s method to simulate this differential equation over two weeks with \(\Delta t = 0.1\) days. Show the plot of your result.
- Assume the transmission rate \(b\) is stochastic. Write down this stochastic differential equation. Do 500 simulations of this stochastic process with with \(D = 1 \cdot 10^{-6}\). Generate a spaghetti plot of your results. Contrast this result to the deterministic solution.
- Assume the recovery rate \(r\) is stochastic. Write down this stochastic differential equation. Do 500 simulations of this stochastic process with \(D = 1 \cdot 10^{-3}\). Generate a spaghetti plot of your results. Contrast this result to the deterministic solution.
::: {.exercise #unnamed-chunk-310} Organisms that live in a saline environment biochemically maintain the amount of salt in their blood stream. An equation that represents the level of \(S\) (as a percent) in the blood is the following:
\[\frac{dS}{dt} = I + p \cdot (W - S), \]
where the parameter \(I\) represents the active uptake of salt (% / hour), \(p\) is the permeability of the skin (hour\(^{-1}\)), and \(W\) is the salinity in the water (as a percent). Use this information to answer the following questions:
- When \(S(0)=S_{0}\), apply techniques from Chapter 7 to determine an exact solution for this initial value problem.
- Set \(I = 0.1\), \(p = 0.05\), \(W = 0.4\), \(S_{0}=0.6\). Make a plot of your solution for \(0 \leq t \leq 20\).
- What is a corresponding stochastic differential equation when the parameter \(p\) is stochastic?
- Set \(I = 0.1\), \(p = 0.05\), \(W = 0.4\), \(S_{0}=0.6\). With \(\Delta t = 0.05\) and for 400 timesteps, with \(D = 0.1\), simulate this stochastic process. With an ensemble of 200 realizations compare the generated ensemble average to your deterministic solution.
Exercise 25.8 (Inspired by Munz et al. (2009)) Consider the following model for zombie population dynamics:
\[\begin{equation} \begin{split} \frac{dS}{dt} &=-\beta S Z - \delta S \\ \frac{dZ}{dt} &= \beta S Z + \xi R - \alpha SZ \\ \frac{dR}{dt} &= \delta S+ \alpha SZ - \xi R \end{split} \end{equation}\]
- Let’s assume the transmission rate \(\beta\) is a stochastic parameter. With this assumption, group each differential equation into two parts: terms not involving noise (the deterministic part) and terms that are multiplied by noise (the stochastic part)
- Deterministic part for \(\displaystyle \frac{dS}{dt}\):
- Stochastic part for \(\displaystyle \frac{dS}{dt}\):
- Deterministic part for \(\displaystyle \frac{dZ}{dt}\):
- Stochastic part for \(\displaystyle\frac{dZ}{dt}\):
- Deterministic part for \(\displaystyle \frac{dR}{dt}\):
- Stochastic part for \(\displaystyle \frac{dR}{dt}\):
- Apply the Euler-Maruyama method to generate an ensemble avearage plot with the following values:
- \(D = 5 \cdot 10^{-6}\)
- \(\Delta t= 0.05\).
- Timesteps: 1000.
- \(\beta = 0.0095\), \(\delta = 0.0001\) ,\(\xi = 0.1\), \(\alpha = 0.005\).
- Initial condition: \(S(0)=499\), \(Z(0)=1\), \(R(0)=0\).
- Set the number of simulations to be 100.
- How does making \(\beta\) stochastic affect the disease transmission?
As a reminder, in
the commandrnorm(1)
draws a random number from the standard unit normal distribution.↩︎Dynamically, a variable cannot cross an equilibrium solution. If a variable \(x\) reaches an equilibrium solution at a finite time \(t\), then it would remain at that equilibrium solution (see Exercise 5.9).↩︎