6.3 Generating a phase plane in R

Let’s take what we learned from the case study of the flu model with quarantine to qualitatively analyze a system of differential equations:

  • We determine nullclines by setting the derivatives equal to zero.
  • Equilibrium solutions occur where nullclines for the two different equations intersect.
  • The arrows in the phase plane help us characterize the stability of the equilibrium solution.

To determine the phaseplane diagram demodelr package has some basic functionality to generate a phase plane. Consider the following system of differential equations (Equation (6.3)):

\[\begin{equation} \begin{split} \frac{dx}{dt} &= x-y \\ \frac{dy}{dt} &= -x+y \end{split} \tag{6.3} \end{equation}\]

In order to generate a phaseplane diagram for Equation (6.3) we need to define functions for \(x'\) and \(y'\), which I will annotate as \(dx\) and \(dy\) respectively. We are going to collect these equations in one vector called system_eq, using the tilde (~) as a replacement for the equals sign:

system_eq <- c(dx ~ x-y,
               dy ~ x+y)

Then what we do is apply the command phaseplane, which will generate a vector field over a domain:

Phaseplane diagram for Equation \@ref(eq:phase-example)

Figure 6.5: Phaseplane diagram for Equation (6.3)

# The values in quotes are the labels for the axes and to identify the variables - they are needed!

The command phaseplane has an option called eq_soln that will if there are any equilibrium solutions to be found and report them to the console. For example try running phaseplane(system_eq,'x','y',eq_soln=TRUE) and see what gets output to console. While this option lists equilibrium solutions, you should confirm them with the differential equation through direct solving.

6.3.1 Generating a phase line in R:

From Section 5 we discussed how to construct phaselines by hand. It turns out that the command phaseplane can also plot phase lines. Let’s take a look at an example first and then discuss how that it works.

Example 6.1 A colony of bacteria growing in a nutrient-rich medium deplete the nutrient as they grow. As a result, the nutrient concentration \(x(t)\) is steadily decreasing. Determine the phaseline for the following differential equation:

# Define the windows where we make the plots
t_window <- c(0,3)
x_window <- c(0,5)

# Define the differential equation
system_eq <- c(dt ~ 1,
               dx ~ -0.7 * x*(3-x)/(1+x))


Notice how we have the equation \(dt = 1\). What we are doing is re-writing the differential equation with a new variable \(s\) (Equation (6.5)):

\[\begin{equation} \begin{split} \frac{dt}{ds} &= 1 \\ \frac{dx}{ds} &= - 0.7 \cdot \frac{x \cdot (3- x)}{1 + x} \end{split} \tag{6.5} \end{equation}\]

The differential equation \(\displaystyle \frac{dt}{ds} = 1\) has solution \(s=t\), so in essence is the same as Equation (6.4) (perhaps a little more complicated). However re-writing this system was a quick and handy workaround to re-use code.